Sprinting Speed Monitor Using Raspberry Pi Pico 2

Sprinting Speed Monitor Using Raspberry Pi Pico 2

To create a sprinting speed monitor using an ultrasonic sensor, an OLED display, and a button to stop the counting, you can follow these steps:

Components Needed:

  1. Ultrasonic Sensor (e.g., HC-SR04): To measure the distance of the sprinter.
  2. OLED Display (SSD1306): To display the calculated speed.
  3. Button: To stop the counting and display the final speed.
  4. Microcontroller: Raspberry Pi Pico 2
  5. Breadboard and Jumper Wires: For connections.

Concept Overview:

  • The ultrasonic sensor will measure the time it takes for the sprinter to pass between two points.
  • The microcontroller will calculate the speed based on the time taken and the distance between the points.
  • The OLED display will show the calculated speed.
  • A button will stop the counting process and display the final speed.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Wiring:

    • Ultrasonic Sensor:
      • VCC to 5V (or 3.3V depending on your microcontroller)
      • GND to Ground
      • Trig to a digital pin (e.g., GP15 on a Raspberry Pi Pico 2)
      • Echo to a digital pin (e.g., GP14 on a Raspberry Pi Pico 2)


    • OLED Display:
      • VCC to 3.3V or 5V
      • GND to Ground
      • SCL to a digital pin (e.g., GP5 for I2C)
      • SDA to a digital pin (e.g., GP4 for I2C)

Get the code and library here


  • The ultrasonic sensor measures the time it takes for the sound wave to return after being sent out, allowing you to calculate the distance.
  • The speed is calculated based on the time difference between when the sprinter triggers the first measurement and when they pass the second measurement point.
  • The button stops the process and shows the final speed on the OLED display.


  • You might need to adjust the distance threshold based on your specific setup.
  • Ensure the distance between the two points is accurately measured for correct speed calculation.

This project can help track and display the sprinting speed effectively using basic electronics and programming.