IR Remote Control Volume Activity Using Raspberry Pi Pico 2

IR Remote Control Volume Activity Using Raspberry Pi Pico 2

The IR remote sends signals, which are received and interpreted by the code to either increase or decrease the volume. The current volume level is then displayed as a bar on the OLED screen. Below is a step-by-step explanation and tutorial on how to build and understand this project.

Step 1: Gather Components

You will need the following components:

  • Raspberry Pi Pico 2
  • SSD1306 OLED display 
  • IR receiver module
  • IR remote control
  • Connecting wires

Step 2: Connect the Components

  1. Connect the OLED Display:

    • SCL (clock) pin of the OLED to GP5 on the Pico.
    • SDA (data) pin of the OLED to GP4 on the Pico.
    • VCC pin of the OLED to 3.3V on the Pico.
    • GND pin of the OLED to GND on the Pico.

  1. Connect the IR Receiver:

    • Signal pin of the IR receiver to GP3 on the Pico.
    • VCC pin of the IR receiver to 3.3V on the Pico.
    • GND pin of the IR receiver to GND on the Pico.

Step 3: Install Libraries

Before you start coding, ensure you have the required libraries installed:

  • adafruit_ssd1306 for controlling the OLED display.
  • adafruit_irremote for decoding IR signals.

You can download these libraries from the CircuitPython Library Bundle and copy them to the lib folder on your Pico.

Get the library here

Step 4: Writting the Code

Download the code here

Step 5: Test and Tweak

  1. Upload the code to your Pico and open the serial monitor to observe the received IR codes.
  2. Replace the placeholder IR codes with the ones specific to your remote control.
  3. Adjust the volume bar display if necessary.

Step 6: Running the Program

Once everything is set up, press the buttons on your remote control to adjust the volume. The OLED display will visually represent the volume level with a bar.


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