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Cytron Arduino 3rd Party Boards URL

Cytron Arduino 3rd Party Boards URL

The release of new Arduino IDE v1.6.4 introduced a new board - Arduino Gemma, as well as some interesting new features to improve user friendliness. For example, previously in the tutorial Modify Arduino IDE for Cuteduino, we needed to manually download, extract, copy and paste the folders/files to the correct place. A mistake would’ve caused everything not to work and making it stressful to get started. As of Arduino IDE version 1.6.4 we can add 3rd party boards just by keying in its URL and the Arduino IDE will perform board installation automatically. So today, I will share how to install Cytron’s 3rd party Arduino boards through URL.


1. Download, install and open Arduino IDE 1.6.4 (or higher).
2. Go to File - Preferences, copy and paste this link https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CytronTechnologies/Cytron-Arduino-URL/master/package_cytron_index.json at Additional Boards Manager URLs. Hit OK.


3. Open Board Manager (Click on Tools - Board - Board Manager).


4. Wait a few seconds as Board Manager downloads the platform’s index.


5. Once it is done, you can see Cytron AVR Boards at the bottom of Board Manager list. Click on the area and hit Install.


6. It will take a few seconds/minutes to complete the board installation.


7. After the installation complete, you will see INSTALLED label at the side of board’s title.


8. Restart the Arduino IDE. Now you can see Cytron Arduino compatible boards, Cuteduino and CT UNO under the Board list.
9. To program Cuteduino, you need to select Board and Programmer to Cuteduino and program as normal (refer to video at Cuteduino page).
10. For CT UNO, just select CT UNO board and appropriate COM port number. Then program as usual as Arduino Uno. (Update 13/07/15: It is recommended to select Arduino Uno for CT UNO board)


*We will keep updating this file, so if you face any difficulties/problems, please post on our technical forum. Thank you.