Tutorial Search - Tag - fun

Chapter 6: EDU PICO Smart Sorter

Chapter 6: EDU PICO Smart Sorter

Recognize the colour ball and trigger the servo motor to arrange the ball according to the colour...
Chapter 5: EDU PICO Attendance System

Chapter 5: EDU PICO Attendance System

This chapter explores building a smart attendance system that uses face recognition for user identification...
Chapter 4: EDU PICO Pet Feeder

Chapter 4: EDU PICO Pet Feeder

Recognize the cat/dog and trigger the EDU PICO buzzer, OLED, Relay and Servo motor...
Chapter 3: EDU PICO Servo Control

Chapter 3: EDU PICO Servo Control

The system leverages HuskyLens to identify and track a designated object within its field of view using servo...
Chapter 2: EDU-PICO Fan And Light System

Chapter 2: EDU-PICO Fan And Light System

This project leverages the Husky Lens for Face Detection. As an group of individual detects, the fan speed increases, and as they move away, the speed decreases..
Chapter 1: EDU PICO Tag-Controlled Music Box

Chapter 1: EDU PICO Tag-Controlled Music Box

Recognize a specific tag and trigger the EDU PICO buzzer to play a corresponding song or melody. create different tags for different melody...
Measure Temperature Using PCT2075 Sensor And Maker Pi Pico

Measure Temperature Using PCT2075 Sensor And Maker Pi Pico

In this simple tutorial it is demonstrated how to interface the PCT2075 temperature sensor with Maker Pi Pico and display the value on the Sparkfun RGB LCD. The PCT2075 temperature sensor by NXP is a ..
Detect RGB Color With Raspberry Pi Pico

Detect RGB Color With Raspberry Pi Pico

In this tutorial we shall see how to detect the RGB color using Raspberry Pi Pico and APDS 9960 sensor. The result is then displayed on the Sparkfun RGB lcd. Basically the sensor is capable of detecti..
Measure Soil Moisture Sensor Using Raspberry Pi Pico And Maker Soil Moisture Sensor

Measure Soil Moisture Sensor Using Raspberry Pi Pico And Maker Soil Moisture Sensor

In this tutorial we shall see how to measure the soil moisture using Raspberry Pi Pico and Maker Soil Moisture sensor. To build this project is very straight forward as it does not require complicated..
Interfacing Maker Nano RP2040 With DHT22 And Sparkfun SERLCD

Interfacing Maker Nano RP2040 With DHT22 And Sparkfun SERLCD

 Video Hardware PreparationFor this tutorial we will need the following components Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi RP2040....
Getting Started With Sparkfun RedBoard Qwiic

Getting Started With Sparkfun RedBoard Qwiic

On top of that, there are few additions that make the Sparkfun Redboard Qwiic unique. With the improved AP112 voltage regulator, this RedBoard gains a more robust 3.3V regulator that provides it more ..