Tutorial Search - Tag - DC motor

Make Turntable using MD10-POT Motor Driver

Make Turntable using MD10-POT Motor Driver

This tutorial is application of MD10POT motor driver that can be use directly from the board without programming. The turntable is produce using 3D Printing method...
Control DC motor using Maker Drive and CircuitPython on RP2040

Control DC motor using Maker Drive and CircuitPython on RP2040

In this tutorial I will share how to control a DC motor using Maker Drive and program it using CircuitPython on the Maker Nano RP2040.....
Controlling SmartDrive40 Using 3.3V Microcontroller (Serial Simplified Mode)

Controlling SmartDrive40 Using 3.3V Microcontroller (Serial Simplified Mode)

If you would like to control Cytron smart motor driver using 3.3V microcontroller, you can try this tutorial...
How To Build A Mobile Robot (Part 2)

How To Build A Mobile Robot (Part 2)

As mentioned in Part 1, you shouldn’t have a problem completing your robot if you get a “ready-to-use” robot or the building kit because most of the time you will be provided with a ....
Getting Started with Maker Drive and Raspberry Pi

Getting Started with Maker Drive and Raspberry Pi

If you want to use Maker Drive with Raspberry Pi, read this!..
MD10-POT: Controlling DC Motor without Writing Code

MD10-POT: Controlling DC Motor without Writing Code

MD10-POT is a DC Motor Driver or DC Motor Controller that enables the user to control the DC motor direction and speed easily. The user can control the DC motor instantly after connecting the battery ..
5 Easiest Ways to Control A DC Motor

5 Easiest Ways to Control A DC Motor

One of my friends was inspired by my previous article and decided to motorize his curtain blind. When I asked him how is he going to control the motor, he answered: Raspberry Pi.....
Measuring DC Motor RPM Through Built-in Hall Sensor Encoder

Measuring DC Motor RPM Through Built-in Hall Sensor Encoder

When we deal with controlling motor speed, normally we just provide PWM and the motor will rotate accordingly to the voltage reach at motor terminal. To have a better speed controlling, we can monitor..
Choosing a DC Motor

Choosing a DC Motor

We have seen many makers face difficulties in choosing the right motor for their mobile robots as well as automation projects. Many of them are not from a mechanical engineering background hence the c..
Getting Started with Encoder Sensor Module (SN-ENC-MOD)

Getting Started with Encoder Sensor Module (SN-ENC-MOD)

Last Updated on 6 July 2017 This article is written by internship student Tian Fu Loke....
Raspberry Pi: Control DC Motor using MDDS10

Raspberry Pi: Control DC Motor using MDDS10

There are several methods to control DC motors using Raspberry Pi. The suitable method for your application depends on how many PWM outputs you have and what performance you expect out of those output..
How to choose a suitable DC motor?

How to choose a suitable DC motor?

Let’s figure it out how to properly choose the most suitable DC motor for your project...
Arduino + PS2 shield + MDDS10 for mobile robot control

Arduino + PS2 shield + MDDS10 for mobile robot control

Have you ever wish to build a simple mobile robot that can be controlled by a wireless PS2 controller? Thinking it too difficult for you? Think about it again. It's actually easy and straight forward ..