Cytron G15 Shield

Availability: Discontinued

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*Starting from May 15, Shield-G15 is shipped in Rev2.0. Please refer to Rev2.0 User's Manual.
Cytron G15 Shield is a shield for controlling Cytron’s G15 Cube Servo and Robotis Dynamixel AX-12 (removed in Rev2.0) servo motor. It is compatible with CT-UNOArduino UNO, Arduino Duemilanove, Arduino Mega, Arduino Leonardo and possibly other pin compatible main boards. This shield has two four ports for Cytron’s G15 Cube Servo and two ports for Robotis’ Dynamixel AX-12 servo. G15 is serial servo. Hence more than one servo can be daisy-chained in series. User may choose to supply the servo motor from Arduino's VIN or the External Power port of Cytron G15 Shield. It also has stackable side headers which allows other Arduino shields to be stacked on top of it.
We have developed the library and example sketch for G15.

* For Rev1.0, please disconnect G15 from the shield during program loading (Arduin UNO or Mega) as the G15 will receive Arduino program too.
* For Rev2.0, please use software serial pin (D2, D3, D8, D9, D10, D11) when load program into Arduino.
Rev 1.0
Rev 2.0
2 x G15 ports, 2 x AX12 Ports
4 x G15 Ports
(AX12 Ports has been replaced by G15 Ports)
Control pin:(selectable using mini jumper)
1) D3, D9 - G15 Control pin
2) D2, D8- AX12 Control pin
Control pin:(Selectable using mini jumper)
D2, D8 - G15 Control pin
Hardware Serial :
D0 (Rx), D1 (Tx)
Hardware Serial :
D0 (Rx), D1 (Tx)
Software Serial:
Tx: D3, D9, D11 
Rx: D2, D8, D10 
Cytron G15 Shield comes with:
  • Arduino reset button
  • 2 4 x G15 Cube Servo ports.
  • 2 x AX-12 Dynamixel AX12 servo ports (Rev2.0 does not come with Dynamixel port).
  • External power port for servo with polarity protection
  • Stackable I/O header pin
  • Selectable digital pins for the control pin with mini jumpers
  • TX and RX indicator LEDs to show communication activities, only on Rev2.0.
  • Selectable Serial pins, Either hardware serial or software serial via mini jumpers, only on Rev2.0 
  • 2 LEDs as logic and servo power indicators



Warranty Period: 12 months
Rev1.0 User's Manual Oct 2012
Rev2.0 User's Manual April15
G15 Shield Arduino Library Reference (Rev 1.0)
G15 Shield Arduino Library Reference (Rev 2.0)
G15 Shield Arduino Library & Example Code (Rev 1.0)
G15 Shield Arduino Library & Example Code (Rev 2.0)
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Tags: SHIELD-G15 Cytron G15 Shield Arduino Shield G15 ARDUINO UNO ARDUINO MEGA2560 ARDUINO LEONARDO ARDUINO DUE CT-UNO CIKU cytron g15 shield shields shield-g15 arduino